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Full Race 4 Port MAC Boost Control Solenoid


Our 4-port boost control solenoid valve is designed to target a clearly defined boost curve and improve boost responses, and in some cases with a soft WG spring—quicker spool.

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Our 4-port boost control solenoid valve is designed to target a clearly defined boost curve and improve boost responses, and in some cases with a soft WG spring—quicker spool.

Full-Race 4 Port MAC Boost Control Solenoid

Our 4-port MAC boost control solenoid valve is designed to target a clearly defined boost curve and improve boost responses, and in some cases with a soft WG spring—quicker spool. The 4-port design works equally well in low boost and high boost applications. The 4 port MAC differs from a traditional 3 port MAC BCSV (boost control soleniod valve) because it precisely directs pressure to the open and close ports of your wastegate diaphragm. This allows for a much lower wastegate spring pressure for better low gear boost control and perfect high gear, high boost control. Low gear boost means more traction at launch and lower gears and higher boost at higher gears when traction is usally less of an issue. This is commonly refered to as "boost by gear"

  • MAC Part number – 46A-AA1-JDBA-1BA


  • Better spool-up time and mid-range power
  • Better duty cycle control to hit target boost and hold
  • The solenoid is normally closed so that on failure you will run off the waste-gate spring only – to prevent over-boosting.
  • 1/8th NPT fittings


  • Ideal for use in sealed Dual Port Internal WG applications, Internal or External
  • Hondata S300, K-Pro or Flashpro
  • Cobb Tuning AccessPort
  • All PWM modulated standalone and piggyback ECUs will support this 4 port BCSV!

Note: 4 Port MAC Boost Control Solenoid must be mounted upside down on B2 EFR frames. This allows the exhaust port to point towards the wastegate nipple. Use our mounting bracket

Optional Upgrades

Note: If you are upgrading from a 3 port solenoid, the boost control tables will need re-tuning.  4port solenoids require small duty changes, so dial down the PID tables (single-digit numbers) so it is not over-reactive.

If you have questions about this product or its installation, contact us.






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